Critical Questions to Ask an Aglime Supplier

Crops cannot grow in highly acid soil; hence, neutralising agents are necessary for the healthy development of plants. Agricultural lime is an excellent neutralising agent for acidic soils since it contains high levels of magnesium and calcium compounds. The best place to buy aglime is from a reputable supplier since they know a lot about the product. Thus, they are likely to provide you with all the information you need to select the right product and use it correctly. First, however, you must ask a supplier the right questions, as highlighted in this article.

How Much Lime Should I Apply? — It is perhaps the first question that comes to the mind of many farmers when buying agricultural lime. However, the amount of aglime you need to apply on your farm depends on various factors. Therefore, while a supplier might not tell you the exact amount of aglime you should apply to the soil, they can lead you in the right direction. For instance, a reputable supplier understands that factors such as soil pH, liming material content and weather conditions determine the amount of neutralising agent to apply. Ultimately, you should rely on a soil test report to determine the amount of agricultural lime to use.

Which is Better Between Pelletised and Powder Aglime? — Agricultural lime comes in two main forms; pelletised or granular lime and powdered lime. As the name suggests, pelletised agricultural lime is crushed and granulated limestone, typically in small pellets. One significant advantage of pelletised aglime is its ease of handling and application on the soil. Most importantly, you do not need to till your farm to work the aglime into the soil. On the other hand, powder aglime is fine lime dust that requires extra care during application. Notably, you should only apply powder aglime in calm weather to avoid wastage. That said, both forms of agricultural lime are effective as long as you follow the application guidelines.

How Long Does Aglime Take to Work? — The time it takes for agricultural lime to neutralise soil acidity determines when you should start planting. Planting too early after aglime application exposes crops to acidic soil. On the other hand, planting too late means that aglime will wear off before plants mature. Ideally, powder aglime works relatively fast since it dissolves easily into the soil. Granulated or coarse aglime reacts slowly but lasts longer. In this regard, proper planning is critical to ensure the application of the right amount of aglime at the right time.

For more information, contact an aglime supplier near you.

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Work Horses and Other Old School Farming Techniques

Welcome to my blog. My name is Molly, and I have always adored handmade things, old techniques and the workmanship of most old homes. When I finally settled down on a small farm with my partner, I wanted to explore those old school farming techniques. We bought a plow pulled by horses and began to explore the ancient methods of planting with moon cycles. If you want to read about caring for work horses or if you want to look at facts about any other old school farming techniques, you have come to the right place. Please, explore this blog and enjoy.